Hello, I’m John.
I’m a Latter Day Saint material culture historian.
Community of Christ, the formerly Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, announces a new prophet and president. Stassi Cramm, formerly the Presiding Bishop, and most recently the Counselor in the First Presidency, succeeds Steven Veazey.
The Reorganized Church and Succession.
Organized in 1860, the Reorganized Church was led by Joseph Smith III (the son of Joseph Smith Jr. and Emma Hale Smith) and then in succession by his three sons Frederick M. Smith, Israel A. Smith, and W. Wallace Smith. Lastly of the Smiths, by Wallace B. Smith, the great grandson of Joseph Smith Jr.
John Hajicek
Founder of a library/archives/museum of Latter Day Saint history.
“The Reorganized Church are my cousins.”

About Me
Historical Parallels
They went by lineal succession until they realized succession went by appointment (like James Strang claimed in 1844) and chose Grant McMurray. Next, they went to the President of the Twelve, and chose Steven Veazey (like Brigham Young claimed in 1847). Now, to the vice president of the church (like Sidney Rigdon claimed in 1844). What else did you expect a Mormon succession specialist to notice? I have been studying Mormon succession for more than 50 years.
James Strang ordained women by new scripture in 1851, as Joseph Smith did in 1830. James was the moderate Mormon succession claimant of those in the 1840s. Since he was martyred on 1856, most of his followers formed the new nucleus of the Reorganization in 1860. I don’t always agree with corporate religion, but here in a community sense I commend my close cousins for their bravery and equality.

John Hajicek
Historian of Mormon material culture.